




type Config = {
  // Array of steps to highlight. You should pass
  // this when you want to setup a product tour.
  steps?: DriveStep[];

  // Whether to animate the product tour. (default: true)
  animate?: boolean;
  // Overlay color. (default: black)
  // This is useful when you have a dark background
  // and want to highlight elements with a light
  // background color.
  overlayColor?: string;
  // Whether to smooth scroll to the highlighted element. (default: false)
  smoothScroll?: boolean;
  // Whether to allow closing the popover by clicking on the backdrop. (default: true)
  allowClose?: boolean;
  // Opacity of the backdrop. (default: 0.5)
  overlayOpacity?: number;
  // Distance between the highlighted element and the cutout. (default: 10)
  stagePadding?: number;
  // Radius of the cutout around the highlighted element. (default: 5)
  stageRadius?: number;

  // Whether to allow keyboard navigation. (default: true)
  allowKeyboardControl?: boolean;

  // Whether to disable interaction with the highlighted element. (default: false)
  disableActiveInteraction?: boolean;

  // If you want to add custom class to the popover
  popoverClass?: string;
  // Distance between the popover and the highlighted element. (default: 10)
  popoverOffset?: number;
  // Array of buttons to show in the popover. Defaults to ["next", "previous", "close"]
  // for product tours and [] for single element highlighting.
  showButtons?: AllowedButtons[];
  // Array of buttons to disable. This is useful when you want to show some of the
  // buttons, but disable some of them.
  disableButtons?: AllowedButtons[];

  // Whether to show the progress text in popover. (default: false)
  showProgress?: boolean;
  // Template for the progress text. You can use the following placeholders in the template:
  //  - {{current}}: The current step number
  //  - {{total}}: Total number of steps
  progressText?: string;

  // Text to show in the buttons. `doneBtnText`
  // is used on the last step of a tour.
  nextBtnText?: string;
  prevBtnText?: string;
  doneBtnText?: string;

  // Called after the popover is rendered.
  // PopoverDOM is an object with references to
  // the popover DOM elements such as buttons
  // title, descriptions, body, container etc.
  onPopoverRender?: (popover: PopoverDOM, options: { config: Config; state: State }) => void;

  // Hooks to run before and after highlighting
  // each step. Each hook receives the following
  // parameters:
  //   - element: The target DOM element of the step
  //   - step: The step object configured for the step
  //   - options.config: The current configuration options
  //   - options.state: The current state of the driver
  onHighlightStarted?: (element?: Element, step: DriveStep, options: { config: Config; state: State }) => void;;
  onHighlighted?: (element?: Element, step: DriveStep, options: { config: Config; state: State }) => void;;
  onDeselected?: (element?: Element, step: DriveStep, options: { config: Config; state: State }) => void;;

  // Hooks to run before and after the driver
  // is destroyed. Each hook receives
  // the following parameters:
  //   - element: Currently active element
  //   - step: The step object configured for the currently active
  //   - options.config: The current configuration options
  //   - options.state: The current state of the driver
  onDestroyStarted?: (element?: Element, step: DriveStep, options: { config: Config; state: State }) => void;;
  onDestroyed?: (element?: Element, step: DriveStep, options: { config: Config; state: State }) => void;;

  // Hooks to run on button clicks. Each hook receives
  // the following parameters:
  //   - element: The current DOM element of the step
  //   - step: The step object configured for the step
  //   - options.config: The current configuration options
  //   - options.state: The current state of the driver
  onNextClick?: (element?: Element, step: DriveStep, options: { config: Config; state: State }) => void;;
  onPrevClick?: (element?: Element, step: DriveStep, options: { config: Config; state: State }) => void;;
  onCloseClick?: (element?: Element, step: DriveStep, options: { config: Config; state: State }) => void;;






type Popover = {
  // Title and descriptions shown in the popover.
  // You can use HTML in these. Also, you can
  // omit one of these to show only the other.
  title?: string;
  description?: string;

  // The position and alignment of the popover
  // relative to the target element.
  side?: "top" | "right" | "bottom" | "left";
  align?: "start" | "center" | "end";

  // Array of buttons to show in the popover.
  // When highlighting a single element, there
  // are no buttons by default. When showing
  // a tour, the default buttons are "next",
  // "previous" and "close".
  showButtons?: ("next" | "previous" | "close")[];
  // An array of buttons to disable. This is
  // useful when you want to show some of the
  // buttons, but disable some of them.
  disableButtons?: ("next" | "previous" | "close")[];

  // Text to show in the buttons. `doneBtnText`
  // is used on the last step of a tour.
  nextBtnText?: string;
  prevBtnText?: string;
  doneBtnText?: string;

  // Whether to show the progress text in popover.
  showProgress?: boolean;
  // Template for the progress text. You can use
  // the following placeholders in the template:
  //   - {{current}}: The current step number
  //   - {{total}}: Total number of steps
  // Defaults to following if `showProgress` is true:
  //   - "{{current}} of {{total}}"
  progressText?: string;

  // Custom class to add to the popover element.
  // This can be used to style the popover.
  popoverClass?: string;

  // Hook to run after the popover is rendered.
  // You can modify the popover element here.
  // Parameter is an object with references to
  // the popover DOM elements such as buttons
  // title, descriptions, body, etc.
  onPopoverRender?: (popover: PopoverDOM, options: { config: Config; state: State }) => void;

  // Callbacks for button clicks. You can use
  // these to add custom behavior to the buttons.
  // Each callback receives the following parameters:
  //   - element: The current DOM element of the step
  //   - step: The step object configured for the step
  //   - options.config: The current configuration options
  //   - options.state: The current state of the driver
  onNextClick?: (element?: Element, step: DriveStep, options: { config: Config; state: State }) => void
  onPrevClick?: (element?: Element, step: DriveStep, options: { config: Config; state: State }) => void
  onCloseClick?: (element?: Element, step: DriveStep, options: { config: Config; state: State }) => void



type DriveStep = {
  // The target element to highlight.
  // This can be a DOM element, or a CSS selector.
  // If this is a selector, the first matching
  // element will be highlighted.
  element: Element | string;

  // The popover configuration for this step.
  // Look at the Popover Configuration section
  popover?: Popover;

  // Callback when the current step is deselected,
  // about to be highlighted or highlighted.
  // Each callback receives the following parameters:
  //   - element: The current DOM element of the step
  //   - step: The step object configured for the step
  //   - options.config: The current configuration options
  //   - options.state: The current state of the driver
  onDeselected?: (element?: Element, step: DriveStep, options: { config: Config; state: State }) => void;
  onHighlightStarted?: (element?: Element, step: DriveStep, options: { config: Config; state: State }) => void;
  onHighlighted?: (element?: Element, step: DriveStep, options: { config: Config; state: State }) => void;



type State = {
  // Whether the driver is currently active or not
  isInitialized?: boolean;

  // Index of the currently active step if using
  // as a product tour and have configured the
  // steps array.
  activeIndex?: number;
  // DOM element of the currently active step
  activeElement?: Element;
  // Step object of the currently active step
  activeStep?: DriveStep;

  // DOM element that was previously active
  previousElement?: Element;
  // Step object of the previously active step
  previousStep?: DriveStep;

  // DOM elements for the popover i.e. including
  // container, title, description, buttons etc.
  popover?: PopoverDOM;