

请注意,默认情况下`showProgress`为false。此外,`progressText`的默认文本是{{current}} of {{total}}。您可以在progressText模板中使用{{current}}和{{total}}来显示当前步骤和总步骤。

import { driver } from "driver.js";
import "driver.js/dist/driver.css";

const driverObj = driver({
  showProgress: true,
  progressText: "Step {{current}} of {{total}}",
  stagePadding: 5,
  showButtons: ['next', 'previous'],
  steps: [
    { element: '#tour-example', popover: { title: 'Animated Tour Example', description: 'Here is the code example showing animated tour. Let\'s walk you through it.', side: "left", align: 'start' }},
    { element: 'code .line:nth-child(1)', popover: { title: 'Import the Library', description: 'It works the same in vanilla JavaScript as well as frameworks.', side: "bottom", align: 'start' }},
    { element: 'code .line:nth-child(2)', popover: { title: 'Importing CSS', description: 'Import the CSS which gives you the default styling for popover and overlay.', side: "bottom", align: 'start' }},
    { element: 'code .line:nth-child(4) span:nth-child(7)', popover: { title: 'Create Driver', description: 'Simply call the driver function to create a driver.js instance', side: "left", align: 'start' }},
    { element: 'code .line:nth-child(16)', popover: { title: 'Start Tour', description: 'Call the drive method to start the tour and your tour will be started.', side: "top", align: 'start' }},
